Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Winter Solstice!

Yes, today (Dec. 21, 2010) is the first day of winter. We can tell. Here in Sarasota we've had bone-chilling temperatures in the 40s and 50s (Fahrenheit, of course) and on a couple evenings it even dipped into the 30s. But, your writer (Harry) grew up near Buffalo, so I guess I can handle it.

Holiday Greetings.

It's a wonderful time of the year, whatever your beliefs. I was raised in the Christian tradition. So (and without any commercial benefit whatever, since I don't believe many people give signal conditioners as Christmas presents), I'm not ashamed to say:

Merry Christmas.

Christian beliefs include the Old Testament. Hannukah celebrates religious freedom. Judas Maccabeus led the revolt which restored the right of the Jews to practice their religion at the temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah celebrates the miracle that one day's worth of lamp oil lasted 8 days. So, to our Jewish friends includng Bea next door and Myra and Stan down the steet, I wish you (belatedly):

Happy Hanukkah.

Kwanzaa, while not a religious holiday, celebrates the 7 principles of Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith, wonderful guiding principles for communities of any  belief or nationality. To our friends who celebrate it:

Joyous Kwanzaa, and Habari Gani?

I once worked with a fellow who claimed to be a Pagan. Of course, the timing of the Christmas celebration and some of its traditions (such as the Christmas tree) evolved from pagan winter solstice traditions (which is part of the reason the early Puritans forbade its celebration), So to all of you who may be pagans, non-religious or perhaps just tired of the excesses of the season:

Happy Winter Solstice.

(My apologies to those of other beliefs that I am not familiar with.)

And - an early Happy New Year from Harry and all of us at JH Technology.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Minisystem Measures Gas Flow

Custom Mass Flow (Gas) Minisystem

Not new - we did this one a few years ago - but here's an example of what we can do.

An Alcoa extrusions plant in Spanish Point, Utah had been monitoring natural gas usage with turbine flowmeters (volumetric) but wished to convert to mass flow for improved accuracy. The turbine manufacturer could have provided a compensated measurement, but only if the flowmeters were replaced. As these were 3 and 4 inch meters replacement costs would have been high, and piping changes would have been needed. Alcoa needed a less-expensive solution.

Alcoa added temperature and pressure sensors to the gas lines, and JH Technology was able to create a mass flow Minisystem using signal conditioners. Five modules convert the turbine pulses to DC, perform multiplication and division, produce both 4-20mAdc and pulse rate outputs proportional to mass flow in SCFH (Standard Cubic Feet per Hour) and provide 24Vdc power to the pressure and temperature sensors. The modules were premounted and wired on a panel and placed inside a NEMA-4 field enclosure.

Alcoa reported that the system provided significant savings compared to the costs of new flowmeters, and even more by eliminating the need for piping changes.

To read the complete application note, click here.

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